Let's check, thanks to Charles de Gaulle's Horoscope, which astral energies dominate during the liberation of Paris on 25 August 1944.   On 25 August 1944Age: 53,75 years old.Jupiter-Jupiter period: from 22 August 1944 to 22 August 1945.Position of the degree of the year: 6° 03' of Sagittarius, it is in sextile aspect (60°) with Jupiter.Position of the degree of the day: 5°46' of Virgo.      The dominant astral energy of the year: Jupiter.Jupiter is the Master of the great and the little period and also present (by sextile aspect) at the degree of the year. It...

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Horoscope on6 May 2012 ofMr Hollande Horoscope on6 May 2012 ofMr Sarkosy Solar Revolution2011 ofMr Hollande Solar Revolution2012 ofMr Sarkosy Why is François Hollande became the President of France, on 6 May 2012? Investigation about the planetary periods of Horoscopes and Solar Revolutions of François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkosy. Election on 6 May 2012 François Hollande Nicolas Sarkosy THEIRS HOROSCOPES Theirs ages: 57,73 years old 57,27 years old Positions at the degrees of the year: 7°17' of Libr...

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The First World War began on August 1, 1914 with Germany’s declaration of war against Russia. The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, and of his wife in Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb nationalist, was the pretext that led the great powers into an all-out war. As a result of earlier unresolved rivalries, two major alliances were formed: the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente regrouped France, the United Kingdom and Russia, who succeeded in resolving their differences thanks to the Franco-British agreements known as the Entente Cordiale, ...

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