On 28 February 1995, the Bank of England announced that Barings Bank had suffered losses in excess of £265 million and that each further one point fall in the Nikkei index resulted in a further £70 million loss!What happened to Britain's sixth largest investment bank to suffer such a setback?The Barings bankruptcy rested on one man, its star trader in Singapore, Nick Leeson, who speculated on the rise of the Japanese Nikkei index. He could not have foreseen the 17 January 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan's second largest port. From that moment on, the Japanese index fell. It only reached its J...

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Japan suffered an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale which caused a tsunami in Fukushima and a major nuclear incident on 11 March 2011. In the US Horoscope:On March 11, 2011 corresponds to 22°19 of Aquarius. Earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima -Analogies This degree of the day is in conjunction with the transit of Neptune (29°12 of Aquarius), the god of sea of the ancient times. Neptune is in analogy with tsunami. This degree also is the degree of natal Saturn in Pisces (of Evil quality at 22°31' of Pisces). Its bad quality is an analogy with adversity by water...

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On Sunday, December 7, 1941 (at 7:53 a.m. local time and 2:23 a.m. Washington time), the Japanese air force attacked the American base of Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian archipelago in the Pacific without a declaration of war. This attack was carried out by six Japanese aircraft carriers and more than 400 aircraft. It caused the death of 2,403 soldiers and civilians. A dozen American ships were sunk or damaged. Fortunately, on that day, the American aircraft carriers were maneuvering out of the harbor and several ships were able to get back to sea within a few months. The next day at noon, on 8 D...

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