On 10 March 2000, the quotation of Nasdaq, the Stock Exchange of new technologies of Wall Street, reached its historical top 5048.62 points. For worldwide astrology, I use the US natal chart of the Declaration of Independence of 4 July 1776. The dating of the 360° of the zodiac is done for a duration of 80 years. The charts are created from 1776, 1856, 1936 or 2016 onwards. Nasdaq top Horoscope on10 March 2000 Solar Revolutionof 1999 Ages: 63,68 years old 63 years old Position of the degree of the year: 29°17' Aries 26&...

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The American state promised 700 billion dollars to stop the financial crisis on 19 September 2008 (491 billions of euros). In the US Horoscope:On September 19, 2008 is positioned at 23°08 of Leo. 700 billion dollars -Analogies It is situated in the degree of Mercury (23°28'). It again is an happy analogy which announces the financial help to relieve the private sector (Mercury is of Very Beneficent quality in Gemini, its sign of Domicile. It is of Very Powerful force. In conjunction to the Part of Fortune and governor of the Midheaven (leaders), it typifies the financial power of the...

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IMF President Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested in New York on 14 May 2011 at 4:40 pm. In US Horoscope:On May 14, 2011 positions at 26°05 of Aries. The degree of the day is in conjunction with the transits of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars. Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested in New York -Analogies Jupiter typifies American justice as governor of the Ascendant. It is of Beneficent quality in Aries. It is in analogy with wealth.Mercury typifies Dominique Strauss-Kahn, president of IMF as governor of the Midheaven (the leaders) and of the Part of Fortune. It is of Middle quality in Aries bu...

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The launching was a success of the American space shuttle, on 8 July 2011. ...

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Mr Barack OBAMA was re-elected President of the United States on 6 November 2012. Thanks to my discovery of the planetary periods I could very easily announce the results of the American election of November 2012 several months in advance. Judge for yourselves! Election on 6/11/2012 Barack OBAMA Mitt ROMNEY IN THEIRS HOROSCOPES Theirs ages: 51,25 years old 65,65 years old Positions at the degrees of the year: 24°01' of Capricorn 16°39' of Capricorn Planetary Periods: ...

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